Wednesday (9/11/19)

Now that we’ve read that the Holy Spirit reminds us and teaches us truth, it makes sense that we would want to ask Him to help us whenwe sit down to read and understand scripture.

Sit quietly for a few moments being still before the Lord. If your mind wanders, and it will, just bring it back. Start with two or three minutes just enjoying His presence. He enjoys your presence immensely.

Read John 15: 1-17

  • In this passage, we learn that Jesus is the vine (v.1); the Father is the gardener (v.1); we are the branches (v.5); love is the fruit (v.12). What does life look like for the average branch?
  • Ž What has pruning looked like in your life?
  • Ž What do you think “remaining” looks like?
  • Ž As you reflect on the past several days, what areas can you can honestly say you ARE “remaining in with Jesus” and what areas are you NOT “remaining in with Jesus”?
  • Ž  Jesus calls you His friend, and also explains that He chose you specifically. What feelings does this bring up in you?

If our loving one another is the actual fruit we are bearing, ask yourself a couple hard questions:

  • Ž Are there people I don’t love well in my life?
  • Ž Who am I loving well right now?
  • Ž What pieces of me make it harder for me to genuinely love others and what am I doing to change those things?

Below is a picture of the vine and branches. Embed the image of the branch needing to be attached to the vine.

On June 2nd Keith & Susan preached a sermon on this passage you might enjoy! Use the player below to listen: