Monday (3/2/20)

Ahhh, Lent. 

During Epiphany, we emphasized the glory of Christ and the discovery of who He is, His miracles, and His teachings. Looking at story after story of people interacting with Jesus and discovering who He is! Epiphany is a season of light in the church calendar.

During Lent, we continue to walk with Jesus, but it is through a time of darkening. Hostile enemies, Jesus’ somber words about His impending suffering, and the heaviness of His spirit as He looks over Jerusalem and mourns. During Lent, we have the opportunity, as did Jesus to say “yes” and “no”. We say “no” to every voice that would drive us from the path that God has for us. His path of holiness. It takes time and space to discern what those voices are saying and how we are distracted from the good path. Traditionally during Lent, we exercise some form of fasting. This fasting allows us to set aside distractions and focus our attention on Jesus and what He is saying to us. We say “yes” to accepting God’s plan and path for us, we say “yes” to obedience to His word and His commands. We say “yes” to the Holy Spirit’s conforming us into the likeness of Jesus.

For our devotional during Lent, we are going to work through the Gospel of John. We spent the last weeks of Epiphany in Matthew, Mark, and Luke (the synoptic gospels). John has some particular differences in style and in the stories told.  

As we finish each chapter, we are going to work to write a one sentence summary. This always helps me remember the main points as I read. Get yourself a notebook and pen, or use a note or journal app on your phone.

We will begin our journey by watching the Bible Project’s video on the Gospel of John (it walks through the first 12 chapters):

  • Did anything pop out to you as you watched the video?
  • What are you anticipating as you walk through the Lenten season?