Friday (7/24/20)

Take this morning to listen to the story of Joshua as told by our friends from the BibleProject. Did anything in particular strike you in the transfer of leadership between Moses to Joshua?

Thursday (7/23/20)

Read Deuteronomy 32:1-9 & Deuteronomy 34 What are the characteristics of the Lord that you read about here? What do you think it means that “the Lord’s portion is His people,” “His inheritance?” When I think of the words portion & inheritance I think of the death of my grandmother. She loved me and left me something of hers that …

Wednesday (7/22/20)

Read Deuteronomy 31 Moses tells Joshua twice to be “strong and courageous” and tells him three to four times to not be afraid or terrified! That might terrify me! How does Moses act as a strong father to Joshua through this process? What fears do you think the people might have watching this transfer of leadership right before such a …

Tuesday (7/21/20)

Read Numbers 20 (remember Exodus 17) The notes in my bible say that this may have been the start of the 40th year of their time in the desert. 40 years earlier, Moses was instructed to take his staff and bring water from a rock (Exodus 17) in response to the peoples grumbling. This would have been the children of …

Monday (7/20/20)

Read Exodus 32 – 33:6 Can you imagine being Moses – who held his arms up to part the Red Sea. Now surely God had parted the waters and dried up the ocean floor- but Moses was the “front man.” And then the people refer to him in 32:1 “as for this fellow Moses, who brought us up out of …

Sunday (7/19/20)

Grace. This morning, sit and ponder the great majesty of God. The picture of Him with fire and smoke, speaking out the commands with a loud trumpet. I do not always picture God in His majesty, but I want to see Him in that more consistently so that I will truly realize that my faith can rest in Him, His …

Saturday (7/18/20)

Read Exodus 19 – 20 The Lord tells Moses that the Israelites will be His treasured possession out of all the other nations if they follow Him. If you read the rest of the story, we learn that even though they do not follow well most of the time, He remains faithful. In 19:16-20, God gives the people a picture …