Friday (7/3/20)

Read Genesis 44-46:7 The drama continues! Why do you think Joseph deceived them this second time? What do you think he was accomplishing by putting the cup in Benjamin’s sack? Where is faith and growth evident in Judah’s response? Think of a situation in your own life where you were angry or wondered why God would allow something like that …

Thursday (7/2/20)

Read Genesis 42-43 I love this story on a variety of levels! Since we are on the lookout for faith, how do you see evidence of Joseph’s faith here? Where have the brothers grown? Not grown? What about Israel (Jacob)? How is his faith in evident? How has Judah in particular grown since we saw him in the story with …

Wednesday (7/1/20)

Read Genesis 41 Where do you see Joseph acting out of faith in this chapter? How do you think his hardships and pain forged in him a character ready for this position? How can you see that Joseph has not grown bitter towards the Lord during his time in prison? Joseph did not seem to waste his time in prison. …