MONDAY (3/22/21)

My name is Cathy Parker. My husband Dave and I started attending
Riverside in December of 2019. What an odd time to be new in a church.
Yet jumping into the welcome of a home group really encouraged us. As
of this January we are in a newly formed group led by Dale and Cathy
Shreve, the North by Northwest Home Group. We are parents of three
kids who are grown, married and all live nearby. Seven grandchildren
have been born and welcomed into the family over the last seven years.

  • Today we will read Matthew 21:1-17.

In these verses we pop in and out of three stories about Jesus. In each
of them I’m struck by how Jesus shows up in ways that surprise me.
If I were planning a triumphal entry, I don’t think a borrowed donkey
would be the logical choice. In each of these stories, Jesus’ ability to
draw a line from the immediate situation back to the old Testament
prophecy in real time is powerful. If you have time today, look at the
three passages that he uses to answer questions in this passage (Psalm
118: 25-26, Isaiah 56:7, Psalm 8:2). I’m struck especially by his answer
with Psalm 8:2 when questioned about the children shouting praise
“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a
stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger”
It’s not what I picture for a stronghold. My takeaway is gratitude that
Jesus has established and reigns in a Kingdom that is far beyond what I
can understand. He chooses to open my eyes to recognize Him as King
Jesus. May I be among the children singing praise.

Reflect on the following question as you go about your daily routine today:

  • How do these verses challenge your mind and heart about what it means to follow King Jesus?