Friday 9/24/21

Read Acts 4: 13-22 Reflect on the following questions: What do you think is being said in verses 13-14? Most of us reading this are ‘ordinary’ people. How can our ordinariness bring glory to God as we go about our days? Read Romans 13: 1-5 In Romans, Paul instructs the believers to submit to their authorities, telling them that authority …

Thursday 9/23/21

Read Acts 4:1-12 During the August series on Expansive Mercy, Andrew explained that acts of great mercy also can bring about great anger and distress. That definitely happens here. There was a man healed and no one seems to be rejoicing. Peter explains that salvation is found in no other name than Jesus. What exactly are we saved from by …

Wednesday 9/22/21

Read Acts 3: 11-26 Though Peter places the responsibility for the death of Jesus at the feet of his listeners, he also says that he knows that they acted in ignorance. What are the ways of living/believing that you learned from previous leaders or from your family that are not pointing you towards God and need to be repented of? …

Tuesday 9/21/21

Read Acts 3:1-10 Peter and John go to the temple ‘at the time of prayer’—this is their routine. The Jewish people had established a routine to connect with their God. During the end of the EHS series this summer (yes, it’s coming up again—because we don’t just want to move on, we want to grow and change!), Andrew talked about …

Monday 9/20/21

Read Acts 2: 42-47 As we ended the EHS series this summer, Andrew preached on this very passage. You can listen here (or re-listen, it is well worth it!). In what ways do you see Riverside (as a whole body) looking like this early church body? What about your Home Group? What is one characteristic that you would like to …

Sunday 9/19/21

Ahhhh…Sunday Spend some time listening to music that focuses you on Jesus. Pray for your heart to be ready to be with the body this morning!

Saturday 9/18/21

Read Acts 2:25-41 Reflect on the following questions: How would you define the “promise” spoken of in verse 39? How do you see yourself receiving this promise and then passing it on to the next generation? (whether your children are physical or spiritual children, God design is for us to ‘parent’ others to grow in His likeness!) Luke quotes Psalm …