Friday 11/12/21

  • Read Acts 22:30- 23:11

This whole interchange makes me chuckle J. Paul knows of this long dispute and focuses his opponents on each other.

Paul speaks sharply and confronts the leader of this group. But once he learns of his position as high priest, he publicly repents of his disrespect.

It always seems unjust to me that he should have to behave respectfully in the midst of this, but that is what the Lord calls us to.

  • When have you been in a situation, or perhaps you are in one right now where you are called to behave respectfully towards someone who is not respecting you?
  • What is a situation where you are longing to see God’s justice served? Spend some time praying for this situation.
  • The Lord comes to Paul and tells him to “take courage”. Where do you need courage today?