Saturday 11/13/21

Read Acts 23:12-35 Reflect on the following questions: Who does God show Himself to be in this passage? What can we learn about people and the character of humans from this passage? How does Paul respond with courage? Why do you think that Paul took himself into this situation? What could have motivated him to head to Jerusalem despite the …

Friday 11/12/21

Read Acts 22:30- 23:11 This whole interchange makes me chuckle J. Paul knows of this long dispute and focuses his opponents on each other. Paul speaks sharply and confronts the leader of this group. But once he learns of his position as high priest, he publicly repents of his disrespect. It always seems unjust to me that he should have …

Thursday 11/11/21

Read Acts 22: 22-29 When I read about Roman citizenship, it makes me thankful to serve a God who routinely tells me through scripture that I am a citizen of heaven. The gospel of Jesus had to bring such incredible dignity to everyone—even women and children. Obviously, being a Roman citizen had great impact in our reading today. Paul belonged …

Wednesday 11/10/21

Read Acts 21:37-22:21 Paul shares the story of how he met Jesus and the impact that had on the rest of his life. What about you? Have you come face to face with Jesus and the fact that you cannot save yourself? Not by doing good deeds, not by knowing a lot about the Bible, or even by piles of …

Tuesday 11/9/21

Read Acts 21: 17-36 Random thought alert: Yesterday we read about Philip with the four unmarried daughters. I love how the focus shifts from physical offspring to spiritual offspring in this new season for the church. These four women get remembered forever in these pages! James, in verse 25, references the decision made in chapter 15 regarding the Gentile believers. …

Monday 11/8/21

Read Acts 21: 1-16 Watch the following video from our friends at the Bible Project: What stands out to you from the video? Any questions or thoughts? What route would you take, who would you visit, if you knew you wouldn’t see them ever again? What have been the hard tasks that the Lord has given you that you set …

Sunday 11/7/21

Our predictable rhythm leads us to spend our Sabbath in worship and prayer. Pray and worship in the ways that you connect best to the Father’s heart. Think through another list of thankfulness.