Monday 2/7/22

Read through Exodus 2:11-25 a couple times. What words or phrases pop out to you as you read? Moses obviously knew that he was a Hebrew. This is interesting being raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. He is angered by the injustice that he sees and takes matters into his own hands. What injustice in your world causes the anger to rise …

Sunday 2/6/22

Let’s take this morning to sit with the Lord in some of the losses in our lives. We just read in Exodus how mother’s lost their babies. Who knows how many died at the whim of this Pharoah, but the loss was tremendous- individually and corporately. Read Psalm 6 and ask the Holy Spirit to bring up those things in …

Saturday 2/5/22

Read again: Exodus 1:1- 22 Exodus 2:1-25 What stands out to you from these two chapters? What are you learning about who God is? Are there things that you have learned about yourself? Or people in general?

Friday 2/4/22

We will read one more passage about some of the names that our Father God calls us and speaks over us. Read 1 Peter 2:1-12 What are some of the names used of you in this passage? Which one stands out to you as most meaningful right now? What are some real ways in which you live as a foreigner …

Thursday 2/3/22

Read Exodus 2:8-10 Pharoah’s daughter (interesting that we never learn her name), names Moses. She says, “I drew him out of the water”. It reminded me of all the ways that we, as children of God, are described in the first chapter of Ephesians. Read Ephesians 1:1-14 What are some of the names used of you in this passage? Which …

Wednesday 2/2/22

Read Exodus 2:5-7 When I read this through, it occurred to me that I wasn’t sure of the origin of the title “Hebrew”. Genesis 14 is the first time that Abraham is referred to as a “Hebrew”. From what I read, though the exact origin is unclear, it seems to have the meaning of “one who crosses over”- or went …

Tuesday 2/1/22

Read Exodus 2:1-4 I can’t help but notice that Moses’ mom coats the basket with pitch before she puts Moses into the water in it. Genesis 6 tells us that Noah was commanded by God to coat the ark inside and out with pitch. Perhaps pitch is a common coating for things? But it reminded me of God’s protection for …