Monday 2/6/23

Read John 4: 1-14  So, we pop into this story at noon, near a Samaritan town called Sychar. Being located in the desert, most people would come very early to the well to draw water. But this woman comes in the heat of the day—perhaps to avoid contact with and being rejected by the other townspeople. We learn more of …

Sunday 2/5/23

Spend some time this morning relaxing with the Father. Write out some of the characteristics of God that you can exalt in prayer today.

Saturday 2/4/23

Read John 3   If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, what would you say? Write your summary on a separate piece of paper. What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Friday 2/3/23

Read John 3    What do you appreciate about what John has to say in the ending section of this chapter?  John expresses his joy at hearing the voice of Jesus, the Bridegroom.   In your relationship with Jesus—where is your joy? What brings you joy?  Think back over the last year—write out some moments of joy that you experienced: 

Thursday 2/2/23

Read John 3   How have you loved the light in your own life? Where do you see evidence of wanting light shined on your areas of darkness?  Where do you see in your sphere a lack of love for the light?  What are ways you can seek out the light and seek to have our darkness exposed?   Who is someone(s) …

Wednesday 2/1/23

Read John 3   Explain verses 16-18 in your own words:  Why are people condemned? How do you feel about that?  Pray for those in your own life that you believe, right now, stand condemned. List them out and pray for them to experience the new birth of the Spirit.