Saturday 3/25

Read John  10  If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper or in a journal. What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Friday 3/24

Jesus has, in these first 10 chapters of John, given Himself four ‘names’ to give us a fuller understanding of Himself.   On a separate piece of paper, write out how this description adds fullness and color to who Jesus is.  John 6: 35 I am the Bread of Life  John 8:12, John 9:5 I am the Light of the World  …

Thursday 3/23

Read John 10: 22-42  What is Jesus saying in verses 27-28?  When have you feared being snatched out of his hand?   Why is Jesus’ claim to be one with God the Father so important? 

Wednesday 3/22

   Read John 10: 11-21  What are some ways that you see Jesus as a Good Shepherd?  How does Jesus describe Himself in these verses?  Where do you need to be shepherded right now?  On a separate piece of paper, write out a prayer to Jesus

Monday 3/20

Read John 10  What do we learn about who God or Jesus is from this chapter? What do we learn about us as people from this chapter? 

Sunday 3/19

In the chapter this week, we saw people right in front of Jesus missing seeing who he truly was.  Spend some time reflecting on your week and remembering how you saw Jesus at work in and around you:

Saturday 3/18

Read John 9     If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper or in a journal. What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?