Read Daniel 9:1-19 again.
As Daniel is putting the pieces together he is filled with urgency to pray.
What does Daniel share about God’s character and who he is calling out to?
Is there any description of God that speaks to you today? Why?
Read Daniel 9:1-19 again.
As Daniel is putting the pieces together he is filled with urgency to pray.
What does Daniel share about God’s character and who he is calling out to?
Is there any description of God that speaks to you today? Why?
Read Isaiah 44:24-28 and Isaiah 45:1-13
Three times Cyrus is mentioned by name by the prophet Isaiah (similar job description to Jeremiah). This is about 150 years before Cyrus is around.
Pretty amazing stuff.
List out all that you learn about God’s character from the passages in Isaiah in your journal.
List out all that you learn about God’s actions from the passages in Isaiah in your journal.
What is encouraging to you?
Read Jeremiah 25:1-14
Jeremiah was a prophet who heard from God and shared what he heard with the Israelite people. He had a hard job, for sure.
Why were the Israelites taken into captivity?
What’s going on in their (our) hearts when we hear and hear, but do not obey?
Sit quietly with the Lord and ask Him if there are ways that you are not obeying what He is calling you to?
Read Daniel 9:1-19
What’s happening here in this chapter?
Does anything in this prayer stand out to you?
I’m fascinated that Daniel had the scriptures there with him in Babylon. I’m also seeing that Babylon has been overthrown, Darius the Mede is King.
Daniel puts the pieces together that their 70 years of captivity is coming to an end.
I’m overwhelmed at the faithfulness of Daniel all these years—he was captured as a youth and taken to Babylon and has lived his whole life there.
What are the ways and practices in your own life that will carry you for the next 70 years? How are you planning now to end well?
Write out some ways that you’ve been thankful for the Lord and His people from this past week!
Pray for the morning gathering.
Reread Daniel 6:1-28, focusing specifically on the words of King Darius at the end of the chapter.
How would you define the difference between fear and reverence?
What do we learn about who God is from what Darius proclaims?
Which part of who God is speaks to your heart today.
Think back to the hard situation you shared about yesterday. Write your own proclamation about who God was to you in that season.
Read Daniel 6:19-28
Daniel finally speaks! What do we learn about his heart from what he says?
What do we learn about King Darius?
Daniel was not delivered from this trial, but he certainly was delivered through it!
Think of a time when the Lord did not rescue from a hard or painful situation, but you saw His deliverance through it.
What did that situation look like?
What did you learn about the Lord in your own life by going through that trial?
Spend some time praying and thanking Him.