Friday (1/31)

Read Romans 3:28-31

Bring it home! What is Paul saying in these verses?

How is the Law upheld by faith and not disregarded?

From this section of verses 21-31, what stands out to you?

What are the questions that remain about faith?

Thursday (1/30)

Read Romans 3:27

What makes boasting excluded? Explain this verse in your own words in your journal.

We all tend to compare our own actions with those around us. I often view myself favorably because of how I stack up against others.

How does faith make it impossible for us to boast in our actions?

Sit quietly and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you trust in your actions. Ask Him to help you trust in faith.

Wednesday (1/29)

Read Romans 3:26

You know it- write out what this verse means in your own words in your journal.

Paul explains that the sacrifice of Jesus makes God JUST, as well as the JUSTIFIER.

How does the sacrifice of Jesus demonstrate that God is a JUST God?

How does the sacrifice of Jesus also show that God is the JUSTIFIER of those who have faith in Jesus?

Tuesday (1/28)

Read Romans 3: 25

Again, explain this verse in your own words in your journal.


  • Atonement

How is Jesus a sacrifice of atonement?

How does Jesus’ sacrifice demonstrate God’s righteousness?

You should give yourself a pat on the back- these verses are challenging and you are doing it!

Sunday (1/26)

As we anticipate being together for worship, spend some time preparing your heart to sit with your spiritual family.

Reflect back on the week’s devotions and bring before the Lord anything that you feel has usurped His rightful place in your heart.

Ask Him to speak as you are listening.

Saturday (1/25)

Read Romans 3:22-23

Explain these two verses in your own words in your journal.

So how exactly do we obtain God’s righteousness?

How would you explain to someone what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ?

How has Paul shown us that we are all sinners?