Read Romans 4:1-8
Here we find Paul referring back to both Abraham and King David in the discussion of works and faith.
One of the definitions in Miriam Webster for the word “credited” is:
An amount placed at a person’s disposal
A definition for “righteousness” is “free from guilt or sin”
What did Abraham do to have righteousness CREDITED to him?
He _________ _____.
Read through Psalm 32:1-2 quoted in verses 7 and 8. Sinfulness is assumed here.
Think about your journey of faith.
Is it defined by trying to be good enough and finding out you can’t do it?
Or is it defined by the wonder of knowing that even in your sin Jesus credited you with righteousness (freedom from guilt/sin) you could never earn?
Spend some time asking God to help you to trust and rest in the wonder of the your sins being forgiven and covered because of the blood of Jesus.
Think about vs 8 where it says the one whose sin will never count against them is BLESSED. Now there’s a use of the word “blessed” I could get behind!