Thursday (4/11/24)

I AM CHRIST’S AMBASSADOR  Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  Where do you see evidence of the new creation in yourself?  Who are the people that you would implore to be reconciled to God? On a sheet of paper or journal, list them and pray for …

Wednesday (4/10/24)

I HAVE CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS  Read Romans 5:12-19 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  Jesus trades us His righteousness. It’s incredible. What is Paul saying in these verses?  How have you seen death reigning in and around you? Why do you need rescued?  Spend some time thanking Jesus for His obedience.  Read …

Tuesday (4/9/24)

I AM JUSTIFIED  Read Romans 5:1-11 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  Look up the word justified- what does it mean in relationship to you and God?  How does being justified by God impact your daily life or how you see yourself?  How does this scripture explain the benefits of …

Monday (4/8/24)

I AM NOT CONDEMNED BY GOD  Read Romans 8:1-4, 12-13 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  Think of a time you were or felt condemned by someone- describe what happened.  What would be real reasons that God could condemn you? (sin, thoughts, etc…)  How does it make you feel to …

Sunday (4/7/24)

I AM A CHILD OF GOD  I HAVE PEACE WITH GOD  THE HOLY SPIRIT LIVES IN ME  I HAVE ACCESS TO GOD’S WISDOM  I AM HELPED BY GOD  I AM RECONCILED TO GOD  Repeat these slowly, out loud, pondering each truth that you’ve soaked in this week.  Is the Holy Spirit saying anything to your heart right now?  How has …

Saturday (4/6/24)

I AM RECONCILED TO GOD  Read Romans 5:9-12 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  Look up the word reconciled- what does it mean in relationship to you and God?  How does being reconciled to God impact your daily life or how you see yourself?  Read Romans 5:9-12 slowly and out …

Friday (4/5/24)

I AM HELPED BY GOD  Read Hebrews 4:14-16 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  What are some of the ways that we are helped by God?  How have you seen this happen in your own life?  Is there a sin area in your own life that you can bring before …