Friday 10/8/21

  • Read Acts 9: 19-31

Reflect on the following questions:

  • What do you think brings about Saul’s amazing change in behavior?

Everywhere Saul goes someone wants to kill him!

  • What do you think it looks like today for you personally to live in ‘fear of the Lord’?
  • Do you think that this characterizes you as a person?

Thursday 10/7/21

  • Read Acts 9:1-18

Saul, the zealous persecutor of the early church comes face to face with his savior, Jesus.

  • Why do you think God would choose Saul to reach out to in such a dramatic way?
  • Has there ever been a time when God reached out to you in an unmistakable way? How did that impact you?
  • What can we glean about Ananias by his obedience to the Lord in this situation?
  • What prompts you to obey even when you do not understand?

Wednesday 10/6/21

  • Read Acts 8: 26-40

Reflect on the following questions:

  • What pops out to you from this story?
  • How does the scripture in verses 32-33 lead Phillip to explain the ‘good news’?
  • Have you been baptized? What was the experience like? What prompted you to get baptized?

If you’ve not been baptized and would like to be, talk to Keith or Andrew!

Tuesday 10/5/21

  • Read Acts 8: 9-25

Reflect on the following questions:

  • How are the people in Samaria benefiting from the persecution in Jerusalem?
  • What had Simon misunderstood in this story?

Simon asks for prayer to avoid the consequences Peter spoke of, but not to repent of his wickedness and turn to the Lord.

  • Have there been times when you wanted to be spared of the consequences but have not turned to the Lord?
  • Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you your heart, ask to see places that are not ‘right before God’.

Monday 10/4/21

  • Read Acts 8: 1-8 and watch this video:

We see a great persecution of the church begin and I can’t help but think of our brothers and sisters around the
world, especially right now in Afghanistan.

Spend some time this morning praying for those being persecuted in countries around the globe. Pray for safety, pray for God’s word to spread and produce fruit, pray for wisdom, pray for peace and courage.

Sunday 10/3/21

You know the story: pray, worship, and prepare yourself for the gathering of the body.

Saturday 10/2/21

  • Read Acts 7: 1-60

We are reading this passage twice because Stephen has so much to say!

  • How do you feel as you read this passage?
  • Doesn’t it seem like Stephen deserves a happy ending here on earth? It’s honestly hard for me to see his faithfulness to the Lord, and then read about his stoning.
  • When has judgment against you been unjust and how did you respond?
  • What does it look like to have hope in the midst of an unjust situation—a situation where what you have prayed for seems ignored and unanswered?

Spend some time talking to Jesus about how you are feeling.