Wednesday 4/12

  • Read John 13: 1-17 

What do you think verse 1 is means when it says “the full extent” of His love? 

What does Jesus teach us about humility in this section? 

Have you ever participated in a foot washing service? Describe on a separate piece of paper how you felt and thought during this experience. 

If you are in a Home Group, consider doing this with your group. 

Tuesday 4/11

  • Read John 13 

What do we learn about who God or Jesus is from this chapter: 

What do we learn about us as people from this chapter? 

Monday 4/10

As we head into this second portion of John, we are going to revisit our friends at the Bible Project: 

  • Take some notes on things that stand out to you

Sunday 4/9

Spend some time in worship and prayer this morning that the message of Jesus would shine like a light in your own life and the life of our church.

Saturday 4/8

  • Read John 12 

If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper or in a journal.

What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Friday 4/7

  • Read John 12: 37-50


Describe the time when you believed Jesus’ words, accepted his offer of eternal life, and allowed Him to become your King/leader/boss? 

Who do you know that stands condemned? List them out and spend time praying for them. 

Thursday 4/6

  • Read John 12: 20-36 

Which of the metaphors that Jesus uses in this chapter speak the most to you? 

Death leading to life? 

Loving your life and losing it? 

Believing in the Light? 



What practices keep you walking in the light versus heading in towards the darkness?