Wednesday 3/29

  • Read John 11: 17-37 

What is encouraging to you as you read about the conversation Martha has with Jesus? 

Why do you think Jesus weeps when He knows that he is going to raise Lazarus? 

On a separate piece of paper, share a time when you believed Jesus arrived too late 

Tuesday 3/28

  • Read John 11: 1-16 

Who are some of the characters in this passage and how they respond to Jesus: 

What do you think Jesus is talking about in verse 9-10? 

What hard situation in your own life have you seen God use for His own glory? 

Tuesday 3/28

  • Read John 11: 1-16 

Who are some of the characters in this passage and how they respond to Jesus: 

What do you think Jesus is talking about in verse 9-10? 

What hard situation in your own life have you seen God use for His own glory? 

Monday 3/27


  • Read John 11 

What are some questions that you have after reading this chapter? 

What are some of the snapshots of Jesus that you appreciate and why? 

Sunday 3/26

Spend some time this morning relaxing with the Father. Write out some of the characteristics of God that you can exalt in prayer today.

Saturday 3/25

  • Read John  10 

If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper or in a journal.

What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Friday 3/24

Jesus has, in these first 10 chapters of John, given Himself four ‘names’ to give us a fuller understanding of Himself.  

On a separate piece of paper, write out how this description adds fullness and color to who Jesus is. 

John 6: 35 I am the Bread of Life 

John 8:12, John 9:5 I am the Light of the World 

John 10:7 I am the Gate 

John 10:11,14 I am the Good Shepherd