Wednesday 11/10/21

  • Read Acts 21:37-22:21

Paul shares the story of how he met Jesus and the impact that had on the rest of his life.

  • What about you? Have you come face to face with Jesus and the fact that you cannot save yourself? Not by doing good deeds, not by knowing a lot about the Bible, or even by piles of prayer.

Sin separates us from God, but the victorious love of Jesus makes a way for us to be in a right relationship with God. When we give our lives over to Christ, he rescues us from the penalty of sin and becomes the Lord of our lives. It is an incomparable joy to be forgiven of our sins, adopted into the family of God, and filled with the Holy Spirit to live a new life!

  • Share some of the highlights of when you gave your life over to Christ. Remember and spend some time thanking God for reaching out to where you were.
  • If you’ve never made a decision like this, reach out to someone you feel comfortable with and ask them to share with you.