

KNOW. BE. DO... 

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As a church we are focused on knowing Jesus intimately, being transformed by the Spirit, and doing mission with God... Together.

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Sunday Celebration

We gather every Sunday to worship Jesus and grow as a people. We would love for you to join us!

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Daily Devotional

At Riverside we encourage intentional time with Jesus by providing a daily devotional that many of us go through together.

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Current series

The Wisdom and Wonder of the Psalms

The summer brings opportunities for glimpses of God’s presence all around us. In brilliant night skies, vast bodies of water, and the faces of friends and neighbors – we are delighted and surprised by God’s good creation. Wonder abounds. And while we engage with God in the natural world, we also have a great opportunity to encounter God in Scripture.  

This summer, we are excited to begin a new sermon series: The Wisdom and Wonder of the Psalms. The richness of these songs and prayers invites us to know God more deeply and encounter him within various experiences and emotions. The Psalms also invite us to pay attention – to notice the presence of God and reflect on his character. The more we know God and experience God, the more we will become like him. For the next three months, the Psalms will be our guide as we grow in wisdom and cultivate wonder.

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Beacon Resource Center

WHere and When

Sunday Gathering: 10:30am at The Beacon

Gatherings are currently live streamed on our YouTube channel:

YouTube Channel

Riverside Church meets at The Beacon
4210 Lincoln Way West
South Bend, IN 46628

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