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Welcome to riverside church's website

While the web can’t provide a complete picture of who we are as a church, it can give a few snapshots to see if you want to journey any further.

As a church we are focused on knowing Jesus intimately, being transformed by the Spirit, and doing mission with God... Together (or in short: “Know. Be. Do… Together”). That’s our mission, and you can learn more about it here.

We intentionally keep our programming focused and simple. We gather on Sundays, have home groups that meet throughout the week, enjoy occasional connecting events, and have daily devotional rhythms of prayer and Bible readings as a church. In other words, our church is:  

  • More than a building (we meet on Sunday mornings in an old bowling alley we’ve converted into a community center)
  • More than a Sunday morning meeting
  • More than one person’s personality 

We are also a fairly diverse church that strives to be united in Christ, not only celebrating our unique backgrounds and gifts but also intentionally working through the challenges that come with diversity.

On this site you can find out about our Sunday celebrations, learn more about our kid’s ministry, listen to previous messages, and get a glimpse of the current sermon series that we are in, as well as other rhythms we have as a church.

If you want to dive deeper into who we are as a church, it’s best explained in community or over a meal/cup of coffee. Thanks for checking out the site! Feel free to send us a message.

Grace and peace,



If you're new to Riverside, have updated your contact info, are interested in a home group or kids or student ministry for your kids and aren't already connected to those ministries, we want to connect! All you have to do is fill out a Digital Connection Card below and one of our leaders will reach out to you very soon.