Saturday 3/19/22

Hello, I’m Laura Polhemus, and I live out in Nappanee with my husband, Adam, and a mixture of 3 teenage girls, 2 dogs, and a grumpy turtle. I teach sign language interpreting students at Bethel University. I’ve been attending Riverside since October of 2019, and enjoy the tight relationships I’ve formed with many other believers there.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:27-31. This passage describes how God can use actions, things, or people we view as insignificant or unworthy to bring about his plans. We are part of that plan, so the things we seem to accomplish point back to him instead of to our own glory. God can even use something we see as negative, such as Pharoah hardening his heart against God’s people and plan, to accomplish his will.

Even knowing God has so much knowledge and power, we often try to manipulate and control our lives so that our will is accomplished. We act out of fear of what he might do that we don’t want instead of continuing to follow his commands and accepting that he knows what should happen.

  • What is something that brings you fear for your future?
  • How do you act out of trust or mistrust of God regarding that fear?
  • Have you hardened your heart towards a plan God may have for your life? What would it look like to soften up and let him lead you in faith?

Pause to bring your fears to God in prayer, and think if there is someone you can go to for counsel and prayer. Keith, Andrew, or any of the leaders of the church would be willing to meet with you.