Monday 3/21/22

In the last set of devotions we talked about the term “Hebrews”, or “God of the Hebrews”. First mentioned in Genesis 14, and then again in Exodus 2. One of the descriptions of this word is “one who crosses over”- or went from place to place, and alien, or traveler. We are learning on Sunday mornings the great lengths that God went to in order to allow His people to be travelers, to leave Egypt. In calling Himself “God of the Hebrews”, He is calling them to worship Him alone.

This week we are going to look at some passages that ask us the question of who it is that we are serving? Who are we worshipping- God or ourselves? We’ve also been learning about “practices” or ways that we can position ourselves before God in order to worship.

Pray through this following prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to your heart ways in which you have placed yourself above Him:

Oh God my Father, I sit quietly before you this morning and ask your Holy Spirit to reveal my heart and myself to me.

In what ways do I worship myself before I worship You?

I’m pausing to listen for your voice….

In the ways that I spend my time, how do I worship myself before I worship You?

I’m pausing to listen for your voice…

How do the ways that I spend my money reflect worshipping myself before worshipping You?

I’m pausing to listen for your voice…

How does my entertainment or social media involvement reflect a worshipping of myself before You?

I’m pausing to listen for your voice…

Father, make me a worshipper of You alone.