Thursday 12/28

Read Isaiah 43:1-10 

Personalize these verses– write them out inserting your name like God is speaking directly to you. 

You can write your own, or use this model from the kids version (I like the kids one!) 

___________ the Lord created you. 

He formed you _______________. 

He says, “______________ do not be afraid.” 

___________ you belong to Me.  

________________ I will always be with you. 

No matter what happens in your life, _________, I will be right with you. 

____________ you are priceless to me. 

I love you _______________. 

I honor you _______________. 

_________________, I created you because it bring me glory and praise. 

I have chosen you ________________. 

I have chosen you, ________________ so that you will know Me and trust Me. 

Speak this aloud over yourself and spend some time thinking about how He sees you.