Friday 12/29

Read Isaiah 44 

As the year of 2023 winds down, we will also wind down in Isaiah. Several years ago, Keith remarked, “If I want to be increasingly conformed to His likeness, I must practice remembering who He is and what He has done.” 

Therefore, along with our scripture reading, I also want to pose a question to prompt us to remember. Let’s become practiced in the remembering discipline. 

Ultimately if the Israelites had made a practice of remembering who God was to them, as well as all He had done for them, perhaps the exile would have been unnecessary. I want to know Him and walk daily in the light of knowing Him. Remembering is crucial to that. 

In verse 21 he calls them to ‘remember these things’- what are the things he wants them to recall? 

What are the potential idols in your life today- what gets your best time, money, energy and efforts?  

How can you determine whether or not they are idols to you? 

Reflecting on 2023, what are some practices in your life that gave life and you want to continue?