Saturday (5/11/24)


Read Colossians 2:9-10 slowly and out loud if possible. 
Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  

Read these verses in several different versions to get a fuller picture of what this is saying. 

What do you think it means that you are complete or full in Christ? 

If we are completed or full as believers, then many around us are empty. Pray for a heart of compassion for those you know who need a relationship with Jesus. 

List them out on a notecard or journal to remember to pray for them. 

Read Colossians 2:9-10 slowly and out loud again. 
Sit quietly after you read. 
What are you sensing the Spirit saying to your heart? 

Set a phone reminder for midday and evening to review these verses and quiet your heart for a few minutes. 
This will help us to be reminded of His presence with us all day long.