Daily Devotional

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Note: If you hover over the scripture references a popup will appear with the verses, you can also click them to view them in a new window.

Saturday (7/27/24)

Today is a day for catch up!

Enjoy a relaxing pace, and reread Psalms that you enjoyed.

Friday (7/26/24)

Read each Psalm through twice slowly – listening for words or phrases that pop out.

Friday Morning

Read Psalm 109

What would you say is the theme of this Psalm?

What speaks to your heart?

Friday Midday 

Read Psalm 110

What would you say is the theme or something you like? 

Do you sense the Holy Spirit saying anything to you? 

Friday Evening 

Read Psalm 111 

Do you see a theme in these verses? What is it? 

Who is God/ Lord according to these verses?  

Thursday (7/25/24)

Read each Psalm through twice slowly – listening for words or phrases that pop out.

Thursday Morning

Read Psalm 106:1-23

What would you say is the theme of this Psalm?

What speaks to your heart?

Thursday Midday 

Read Psalm 106:24-48 

What would you say is the theme or something you like? 

Do you sense the Holy Spirit saying anything to you? 

Thursday Evening 

Read Psalm 108 

Do you see a theme in these verses? What is it? 

Who is God/ Lord according to these verses?  

Wednesday (7/24/24)

Read each Psalm through twice slowly – listening for words or phrases that pop out.

Wednesday Morning

Read Psalm 105:1-22

What would you say is the theme of this Psalm?

What speaks to your heart?

Wednesday Midday 

Read Psalm 105:23-45 

What would you say is the theme or something you like? 

Do you sense the Holy Spirit saying anything to you? 

Wednesday Evening 

Read Psalm 107 

Do you see a theme in these verses? What is it? 

Who is God/ Lord according to these verses?  

Tuesday (7/23/24)

Read each Psalm through twice slowly – listening for words or phrases that pop out.

Tuesday Morning

Read Psalm 102

What would you say is the theme of this Psalm?

What speaks to your heart?

Tuesday Midday 

Read Psalm 103 

What would you say is the theme or something you like? 

Do you sense the Holy Spirit saying anything to you? 

Tuesday Evening 

Read Psalm 104 

Do you see a theme in these verses? What is it? 

Who is God/ Lord according to these verses?  

Monday (7/22/24)

Read each Psalm through twice slowly – listening for words or phrases that pop out.

Monday Morning

Read Psalm 99

What would you say is the theme of this Psalm?

What speaks to your heart?

Monday Midday 

Read Psalm 100 

What would you say is the theme or something you like? 

Do you sense the Holy Spirit saying anything to you? 

Monday Evening 

Read Psalm 101

Do you see a theme in these verses? What is it? 

Who is God/ Lord according to these verses?  

Sunday (7/21/24)

Spend some time this morning sitting quietly before the Lord preparing your heart for corporate worship. Listen to some music, pray, rest in the Father.

Look back at your themes from the week and journal about anything that draws you.