Friday 4/1/22

This fourth Friday of Lent our reading is Ephesians 3:1-13. Here Paul teaches about the “mystery of God”. As you meditate on this passage, ask God to reveal a full understanding of the mystery.

The Ephesians believers were not Jewish, but Gentiles. God had given Paul a sacred assignment to teach the truth of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to the Gentiles, who previously did not have a seat at the table with the family of God. The gospel broke down the barrier between the Jew and Gentile, bringing both groups into one body in Christ. Years of division between the “chosen” and the “unclean” were reconciled through the gospel.

God choosing Paul (Saul) to be HIS servant in this restoration is almost unthinkable. He was a Pharisee of Pharisees who persecuted the church, actively imprisoning and killing any who were followers of Jesus. This was true until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus where he too became a disciple of Jesus. God told Paul he was selected to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. All of his life Paul would have avoided Gentiles as much as possible. Then the touch of Jesus so radically changed his path that he spent the remainder of his life spreading the gospel among the Gentiles.

Paul surrendered a lifetime of power, prestige, honor, and comfort to become a slave of the gospel. He determined that all he lost was nothing compared to the riches he received through Christ Jesus.

Are we able to say the same today about of life in Christ? Is there evidence in my life that I determine the most valuable thing is knowing Christ?

Something to consider today, and every day.

Thursday 3/31/22

Read Ephesians 2:11-22

One of the names we call Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6). Christ is, in fact, our peace. He made peace with God possible by becoming our atoning sacrifice, i.e. by dying on the cross. However, another peace was also established, in bringing Jews and Gentiles together, as one. Who once were devout enemies, are now one in/through Christ. We are united together in God’s New Creation, the Church. The church is distinctly Christ’s own, His bride. We are His people!

Look at some of the ways we are uniquely and distinctly His:

  • The Holy Spirit in our Hearts – II Cor. 1:22
  • Our adoption as sons & daughters – Eph. 1:4-6
  • Christ’s Unending Love & Intercession on our behalf– Romans 8:34-39
  • Holy Spirit’s Power in us– Eph. 3:20-21
  • Contentment – Heb 13:5
  • Holy Spirit Intercession – Romans 8:26
  • A place reserved in Heaven – John 14:2-3
  • Immortal Bodies – I Cor. 15:51-53

Spend some time praising God for how He loves us & makes us His own.

(Phil Lubensky, Westside Home Group)

Wednesday 3/30/22

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

As you read these verses, think back to the time in your life the Holy Spirit called you to repentance and rebirth as a son or daughter of God. This should be a very sweet memory for all of us.

After a powerful, beautiful explanation of what God has done for them as believers in chapter one, Paul switches gears in chapter two. In the first three verses, he lays out before them their previous condition. Reminding them they thought they were fully alive while they were actually dead, walking in the darkness of sin. The first time they read this I imagine they were a bit shocked with the brutal honesty. Then chapter 4; “But God”.

In the next seven verses Paul explains the richness of God’s grace. Paul boldly tells them that God’s grace has extracted them from the death of sin into true life, even eternal life. He drives home the truth by telling them their salvation was only possible through the free gift of grace from God. He emphasizes that salvation is not possible by the works of man, only by the grace of God. How humbling to realize there is nothing we can do, make, buy or sell that can bring about salvation. We are powerless and totally dependent upon God for our salvation.

How often do we stop to consider how dead we were before God’s grace changed our lives? Do we fully understand the great gift God has given us?

Today would be a good time to give it some thought.

(Wade Stoller, Westside Home Group)

Tuesday 3/29/22

Hello, our names are Dan and Pam Weinkauf. We’ve been covenant members of Riverside Church since 2011.

Let’s start today’s devotional by reading

Ephesians 1: 11-14

This passage is taken from a letter the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, a city in Greece.

They were a young church living in a pagan culture. Not too different than the situation we find ourselves in, right?

This is basically a pep talk telling them (and us) that we were chosen for the praise of His glory. That when you heard the message of truth and believed, that He sealed us with the Holy Spirit who can guarantee us our salvation!

Take heart friends, when you think you’ve messed up or that you’re not worthy. Remember that God loves us and that we are complete in Him. We do not need to be accepted by any other person or means to be fulfilled!

Monday 3/28/22

Each week we’ve had a theme:

  • Who God is and who we are.
  • How God works through our brokenness.
  • Who am I worshipping- God or myself?

This week we are starting into the book of Ephesians to see what makes us distinctively “His” people. It’s a beautiful 6 chapters explaining who we are as His children and what that looks like as we live daily.

Read Ephesians 1:1-10

  • KNOW (what does the text say about God?)
  • BE (What does the text say about us?)
  • DO (what is the text calling me to do?)

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage.

Sunday 3/27/22

As we anticipate being together for worship, spend some time preparing your heart to sit with your spiritual family.

Reflect back on the week’s devotions and bring before the Lord anything that you feel has usurped His rightful place in your heart.

Ask Him to speak as you are listening.

Saturday 3/26/22

We read Isaiah 44:14-20 yesterday, but let’s read it again today to do some more reflecting.

One of the themes of this week has been “who or what do I worship?” And Isaiah 44 is a picture of the subtle sway of our idols. Read vs. 14-15: is there any practical thing in my life that is useful (like the wood from the trees in the passage), but it is a temptation to make it into an idol?

Read vs. 16-17. Is there anything or anyone that I turn to first when facing a crisis (save me! You are my god!), before coming to the Lord?

Read v. 18. Do I ever feel like your “eyes are plastered over” so I cannot see God working in your life?

v. 19 says “No one stops to think.” When am I most likely to be thoughtless, letting the urgent worries of life dictate my schedule rather than intentionally walking with God?

In the year 2022, it’s hard not to read the last line of v. 20 as referring to our phones and electronic devices. “Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?”

After reflecting on these questions, consider reading the passage again slowly. Ask the Lord to reveal where the subtle allure of idols might be tempting me.

Tools can become idols when they captivate our minds and hearts. Lord, protect your people from idolatry, and where we discover it and name it, in the name of Jesus Christ, give us the strength to repent and return to you, our Lord. Amen.