Friday 11/5 /21

  • Read Acts 20: 1-12

Hmmm…. what a wild story!

  • When have you witnessed a clear miracle? No other explanation…the work of the Spirit alone. Describe what happened and how you felt.

I’ve never seen someone raised from the dead, and I’m guessing that you haven’t either, but the Spirit is surely at work amongst us.

  • What are works of the Spirit that you see here at Riverside, in your Home Group, or with friends?
  • What about your spiritual life is bringing you excitement in this season of life? (obviously in this passage, Paul’s speaking was pretty exciting!)

Thursday 11/4/21

  • Read Acts 19: 23-41

Of course it wouldn’t be a journey with Paul without a little rioting!

Paul has been so successful in his endeavor to share the good news, that many people quit spending money to prop up the ‘false god’ industry. This might seem laughable- but think about the ‘false god’ industry in your sphere:

  • Alcohol
  • Drug addiction (escapism)
  • Pornography
  • Materialism
  • Recreation that prohibits our God worship
  • Worship of the self:
  • Worship of food/ gluttony
  • Work
  • Family/ friends/ people
  • Entertainment

Other ideas…?

All of these things, and some of them completely ‘good’ things- like friends and family- can become idols or false gods for us.

Spend some time right now asking the Spirit to search your heart to reveal anything standing in the way of you offering your whole self to God for His glory.

Wednesday 11/3/21

  • Read Acts 19: 1-22

It’s like these chapters are a whirlwind—Paul in a new place every chapter. Similar rhythms are evident as he preaches and teaches both the Jews and the Greeks. He is incredibly focused on the task that God has given him.

I also appreciate that he is on the lookout for the Spirit’s work. He recognizes some disciples in verse 2 but is wanting them to receive the Spirit so that they have God’s power to live and serve inside of them.

Then we see some Jews try to appropriate the power of the Spirit (v 13), only to be rebuked.

Then we see repentance and a godly fear of the power of the Lord Jesus resulting in an incredibly spreading of the word.

The following is a short video by our Bible Project friends just about the Holy Spirit- take a look:

  • How do you see evidence of the Spirit’s work in your own life?

Perhaps it is evidenced in your changed character to match what is described in Galatians 5, or perhaps you see yourself equipped in unique ways to build up the body as described in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. However you see it happening, the Spirit does a predictable work in all of us- conforming us to the image/ character of Jesus and using us to bring glory to the Father through our gifts.

Tuesday 11/2/21

  • Read Acts 18: 18-28

Paul has become friends with a couple, Pricilla and Aquila. They seem like gems for ministry and life. They travel with him, teach people, and have incredible hospitality. Their friendship grows as they serve shoulder to shoulder together.

Last week we looked at Acts 17 from the Know, Be, Do perspective. Today we are going to think about life ‘Together’.

  • What pops out to you or intrigues you about the relationships we’ve seen in the past couple of chapters?
  • Who are the people you ‘travel’ with—those who do life with you, celebrate you, and that you rely on?

Picture in your mind’s eye those you sit near on Sundays at church.

  • Who are one or two people that you could initiate some ‘together’ with? Perhaps invite to Home Group? Perhaps invite over for dinner?
  • Who do you serve shoulder to shoulder with? If you are lacking someone, who could you reach out to?

Monday 11/1/21

  • Read Acts 18: 1-17

Paul heads to Corinth, and you can guess what he did! Synagogue, talking to people, helping people understand and believe. Same story, different day! (I hope this is said of me someday!)

He gets fueled by the return of Timothy and Silas and devotes all of his time to preaching the good news.

Some Jews believe, but many were angry and opposing Paul. Then he does this strange thing: he “shakes out his clothes”, and tells them “I’m moving onto others who will listen”.

In other cities as we’ve seen, this angry vengeance forces Paul to move on. But the Lord comes to him and tells him, “Don’t be afraid and don’t be silent!”. So Paul and friends settle in for a year and a half- what an incredible blessing to this new church!

  • How does the bickering, disputing, and “sides” in the church today distract from our mission to share the good news?
  • What can you do to be someone who brings peace?
  • In what ways has the Lord said to you “do not be afraid”?

Sunday 10/31/21


Spend some time listening to music that focuses you on Jesus. Devote some time to thanksgiving.

  • On a separate piece of paper, make a list of things that you are thankful for from yesterday.

Saturday 10/30/21

  • Read Acts 17: 16-34

I love Paul’s rhythm. Into the synagogue, talking with “anyone who happened to be” in the marketplace, and teaching the good news. This section is made for our Know, Be, Do style of pulling out truth.

KNOW (What does the text say about God?)

BE (What does the text say about us?)

DO (What is the text calling me/us to do?)

  • How have you seen, in your life, that God is not far off from you?