Wednesday, August 18th

  • Read Habakkuk 1:5-11

Consider the following questions as you go about your day today:

  • What is surprising to you (and probably Habakkuk) in God’s answer?
  • In your life, how have you seen God’s ways to be confusing?

Tuesday, August 17th

  • Read Habakkuk 1:1-4

I loved how the video yesterday pointed out that Habakkuk’s story is a very personal one- his own journey of discovering if he believed that God was good in the face of great injustice and wrong around him. We are in a similar spot today.

I loved Andrew’s message on Sunday, the focus on the need to learn about God’s desire for mercy in our lives. I want to see myself become a person who is more focused on mercy than tasks (not that tasks do not need to be done), a person who sees the people in front of me.

Let’s spend the week with Habakkuk and learn from his complaints and God’s response to him:

  • In what ways do you relate to Habakkuk’s cry to the Lord?
  • This summer, we learned the process of lamenting. How have you seen lament at work in your own life?
  • Inherent in his crying out, is his belief that God is able to change things. What do you believe about God’s ability to bring about change in your world?

Monday, August 16th

Good morning! As we start into the life of our third Old Testament character, we are again going to begin with an overview from The Bible Project friends.

  • What strikes you from this video?

Sunday, August 15th

Sit quietly before the Lord this morning and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there are people in your life that God wants you to show His compassion and mercy to.

Saturday, August 14th

Spend some time listening to the book of Jonah – the whole thing. You can also read through if that’s your preference.

  • Think over your last year. What lessons in Jonah resonate with your experiences?
  • Do you see yourself growing in compassion for the things and people that move God to mercy and compassion?
  • How can you move more towards the heart of God in this?

Friday, August 13th

Read Jonah 4

  • Why do you think Jonah has more compassion for the plant than the people?
  • Are there people in your own life that you struggle to believe that they deserve compassion or mercy?
  • Where does God’s mercy shine?

Thursday, August 12th

Read Jonah 3

Jonah 3:1 always makes me smile, seeing God’s willingness to speak again, give His directions again, to allow Jonah (and us) second chances.

  • Where do you see evidence of God’s mercy?
  • What is surprising about the response in Ninevah?