Wednesday, August 11th

Read Jonah 2

  • What calls to you from Jonah’s prayer?
    • Why does this speak to you?
  • Does it seem, from this prayer, that Jonah has experienced God’s mercy in his own life? 
  • When has your distress prompted you to call out to the Lord?

Tuesday, August 10th

Read Jonah 1

Where do you see evidence of God’s mercy in the lives of the various characters in this chapter:

  • Jonah?
  • The Ninevites?
  • The men on the ship?
  • Think of a time in your own life when you ran from God’s plan (and you knew that you were running). What happened in your story?

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Were you able to see evidence of God’s mercy last week as you read through the book of Ruth? This week we will read through the book of Jonah looking for the same thing!

We will start with our friends at The Bible Project for an overview!

  • What strikes you from the video?
  • Does a certain theme compel you?
  • Do you have a question that you’d like to explore further?

Sunday, August 8th

Listen to the following song and reflect on God’s incredible mercy as you prepare your heart for the service this morning:

Saturday, August 7th

  • Spend some time listening to the book of Ruth – the whole thing. You can also read through if that’s your preference.

Think over your last year.

  • What evidence is there in your own life that God is providing for you just like He provided for Ruth?

Ruth took the next step of faithfulness, and then the next, and the next. 

  • In your life, in the middle of your stories, what are the steps of faithfulness you are taking?
  • Where can you see mercy at work in your story?

Friday, August 6th

  • Read Ruth 4

It is so refreshing how Ruth and Naomi are cared for throughout this story!

  • So again- where do you see mercy at work here? Think through each of the characters in the story.
  • What is surprising about this story being nestled into the lineage of King David, and then of Jesus?
  • How does this surprising story offer you hope in the middle of your story?

Thursday, August 5th

  • Read Ruth 3

After this reading, you may be wondering what a guardian-redeemer is. A guardian-redeemer was a close, influential relative to whom members of the extended family could turn to for help, usually when the family line or possessions were in danger of being lost.

  • Perhaps you cannot relate to the exact scenario in this chapter, but can you relate to being in a vulnerable situation and needing help?
  • Where do you see mercy operating in this chapter?
  • What evidence might Ruth have from the previous chapters that God was going to provide for her?