MONDAY (5/24/21)

  • Read Colossians 1:15-20

We’ve just finished reading weeks of creation accounts and visuals.

  • What do we learn from these verses?
  • What does this passage tell us about Jesus’ work in the ages past?
  • What about His present work? What’s He doing right now?
  • How about His future work?
  • How does this expand your picture of who Jesus is? Consider all of it. Creation. The Fall. The Death and Resurrection. The End (as we’ve read in Revelation). All to reconcile everything to God.

SUNDAY (5/23/21)

Spend some time listening to the song Where Were You:

The lyrics here reminded me of where we’ve been this past two weeks.

Perhaps you are left with questions, sadness, or confusion about how
life operates?

  • Reflect this morning on God’s great strength and power. Reflect on His ways and His wisdom. Realign yourself to Him.

SATURDAY (5/22/21)

  • Read Job 42

Reflect on the following questions as you go about your day today:

  • God finishes his questions and Job replies. What do you think is going through Job’s mind as he sums things up?
  • How does God demonstrate His respect for Job?

In this narrative, Job never learns about God’s conversation with Satan that resulted in the crushing losses Job experienced. Often, we also do
not know what’s happening behind the scenes of our lives.

  • How does creation itself offer us solace and explanation about who God is in the midst of messy lives?

FRIDAY (5/21/21)

  • Read Job 41

The Leviathan. Interesting for sure: Leviathan is the traditional name
for a menacing, armored, and destructive creature. It is referenced in
several books of the Bible, including Psalms, Job, Isaiah, and Amos.

On a separate piece of paper, jot down some answers to the following questions:

  • What is the “take home” from this chapter?
  • As you think about all of God’s questions in the past several days of reading, I have to ask again: why do you think God questions Job in this fashion?
  • How has your view of God been expanded?
  • Have you had any other thoughts about who God is?

THURSDAY (5/20/21)

  • Read Job 40

God accuses Job of discrediting Him in order to justify himself.

  • As you look at the world around us, where are you most frustrated with the lack of justice?
  • Where are you most longing to see justice around you?
  • I often think of Job’s reply here in the beginning of this chapter as “you are God and I am not.” In what ways do you appreciate His ways being higher than your ways?

WEDNESDAY (5/19/21)

  • Read Job 39

God continues on with His questions for Job to consider. On a separate piece of paper, write out some answers to the following reflections:

  • If you are Job, how are you feeling?
  • What in this chapter expands your view of who God is?
  • What is your favorite visual from this chapter?

TUESDAY (5/18/21)

  • Read Job 38

From the video we learned about Job’s incredible losses, his pain and
confusion, and the poor counsel from his friends. He demands an
audience with God and he gets one. But God has a surprising answer.

On a separate piece of paper, jot down some answers to the following questions:

  • Why do you think God answers Job in this fashion?
  • What, in this chapter, expands your view of who God is?
  • What is your favorite visual from this chapter?