THURSDAY (2/11/21)

  • Read Romans 6:15-23

Consider and reflect on the following:

  • Spend some time this morning asking the Holy Spirit to show you areas in your life where you are a slave to sin.
  • Pray to see this changed, confess to a friend, and ask for help and accountability.

WEDNESDAY (2/10/21)

  • Read Romans 5:1-8

On a separate piece of paper, do the Know, Be, Do method of study through this section.

  • KNOW (What does the text say about God?)
  • BE (What does the text say about us?)
  • DO (What is the text calling me/us to do?)
  • Write out the whole verse that you want to stick with you throughout the day today.

TUESDAY (2/9/21)

  • Read Romans 3:21-26

Spend some time reflecting on the following questions:

  • What is Paul’s main point here?
  • Have you placed your trust in Christ’s finished work and sacrifice and received forgiveness for your sins? If you have questions about this, please reach out to one of the leaders, pastors, or elders. They would love to talk to you about this!

MONDAY (2/8/21)

  • Read Romans 3:9-20

Consider and reflect on the following questions:

  • What is Paul’s main point here?
  • How do you see this worked out in your life and the world around you?

SUNDAY (2/7/21)

Paul urges the Roman believers to be on their guard for things in their body that cause divisions, and people who are divisive.

  • Spend some time today praying for our body, that we would be full of unity and that we would be wise and alert for division.


May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had,

SATURDAY (2/6/21)

  • Read Romans 16:17-27

Consider and reflect on the following questions:

  • What, in Paul’s final words here, stands out to you as a word for you to hear and heed?
  • What are some characteristics about God we learn from these verses?

Paul desires, as does God, that all nations might believe and obey. The following link takes you to today’s prayer on the Operation World site.

Operation World offers a systematic way to pray through the nations, as well as information and suggested prayer requests. Check it out, and continue to check it out!

FRIDAY (2/5/21)

  • Read Romans 16:1-16

What does Paul’s long list of people tell you about him?

I love that he has people who have been in prison with him, a woman who’s been like a mother to him, friends who’ve risked their lives for him, and those who’ve worked hard and been outstanding.

  • If you were to make a list of people alongside you right now, those walking the road of faith with you, who are they? On a separate piece of paper, list them out and the ways that they bless your faith.
  • Spend some time thanking the Lord for each of them.


May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had,