SATURDAY (1/23/21)

Paul also tells us in the verses from Thursday to “clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus.”

  • Read Colossians 3:12-17

This is another passage where Paul fleshes out a bit more what it looks like to clothe ourselves.

  • Consider the following questions:
  • What are we clothing ourselves with from this passage?
  • Is there something that pops out to you from this list that you want to pray about growing in? Perhaps pause and ask the Holy Spirit, “what do you want me to pay attention to today?”
  • Again, we see the focus on loving. Who are you struggling to love right now? Spend some time praying about that.

FRIDAY (1/22/21)

In the verses from yesterday, Paul tells us to put on the armor of light.

  • Read Ephesians 6:10-18
  • On a separate piece of paper, list out the pieces of armor and their purpose.

Spend some time reflecting on the following questions:

  • Living with a sense of urgency requires some proactive work. What does it look like for you to “put on” this armor?
  • What pieces are most necessary for where you are at today?

THURSDAY (1/21/21)

  • Read Romans 13:11-14
  • On a separate piece of paper, write out the commands given to us in this section.

Spend some time reflecting on the following questions:

  • What brings the sense of urgency to these verses?
  • Are there deeds of darkness that you sense the Spirit wants you to put aside?
  • Who can you share this with today?


Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

WEDNESDAY (1/20/21)

  • Read Romans 13:8-10
  • On a separate piece of paper, write out some thoughts about the following questions:
  • How is loving actually fulfilling the law? How does this work itself out?
  • How are the commands actually reflections of loving our neighbors? Give some practical examples.
  • Here we are told that love does not harm. Later, we are told that love blesses even when it is cursed. Today, who can you seek to “do no harm” to?

TUESDAY (1/19/21)

  • Read Romans 13:5-7

Spend some time in thought on the following questions:

  • Verse 5 starts with the word “therefore,” pointing back to the previous verses. Why is it necessary to submit to authorities?
  • What do you think it means that the authorities are God’s servants? How does this work?
  • Is there someone that you owe respect or honor that has been hard for you?
  • Pray about this situation


Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

MONDAY (1/18/21)

  • Read Romans 13:1-4
  • On a separate piece of paper, jot down a few answers to the following questions:
  • What are our instructions here in this passage?
  • What is most challenging for you in this section? What is confusing?
  • What do we learn about God from this passage?
  • Who are the governing authorities that you are called to submit to?

SUNDAY (1/17/21)

Reflect on the following questions today:

  • Spend some time this morning being thankful for the relationships in your life.
  • Who are you appreciating? How has the Lord blessed you with relationships?
  • Also think through your relationship with the Lord. Spend time in thanks for that.


Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.