Wednesday (8/5/20)

Read Proverbs 1

*Note: For our hard copy devotionals, the instructions are to write a K, B, or D over the text to quickly see all the commands (Do), all it is saying about who God is (Know), and all it is saying about me (Be). If you feel comfortable, do this in your own Bible, or write on a piece of paper the words or verse # that coorespond to Know, Be, or Do.

KNOW (what does the text say about God?):

BE (What does the text say about us?):

DO (what is the text calling me to do?):

Write out the whole verse that you want to stick with you throughout the day today.

Tuesday (8/4/20)

Read 1 Kings 3 and 1 Kings 4:29-34

  • What strikes you about Solomon’s character as you read this story?
  • How is humility demonstrated by him?
  • What emotions would you use to describe God’s response back to him?
  • The text clearly says that the Lord is pleased with Solomon. How do you know that He is also pleased with you?

Sunday (8/2/20)

As traditional, prop your feet up and just be in the Lord’s presence. Perhaps continue to reflect on the thoughts and prayer from yesterday. Take a deep breath in His presence.

Saturday (8/1/20)

Read Hebrews 11:40

This verse is so aspirational.

Together with us, these Old Testament saints are perfected. How that works, I have no idea. But I surely want to carry on the torch of faith for my family, my “tribe” of friends that are like family, and those whose lives I touch routinely.

Write out a prayer right now about where you would love to see faith grow in you. Perhaps you think of a specific circumstance, perhaps it’s a character issue or quality you want to address. It’s bound to be different for all of us.

Ask the Lord to give you the desire to grow a deep faith. Remembering Hebrews 11:6 that without this faith, I cannot please Him and neither can you. Write out your heart.

Friday (7/31/20)

Read Hebrews 11

We have seen the live stories of most of the characters listed here.
We’ve heard sermons as well on many of those same people.

  • Who stands out to you for their faith and why?
  • What will you take away concerning your own faith from these weeks of reading?

Thursday (7/30/20)

Read Joshua 5:13 – 6:27

If you’ve never seen the Veggie Tales short video based on the story of the fall of Jericho, it’s worth the half hour to watch! Forever embedded my brain is a couple peas mocking the Israelites for marching around the city. If you have 3 minutes extra, here is the link!

Let’s think about just a couple people: Joshua, Rahab, and the average Israelite.

  • For each one, where do you see evidence of faith growing and blossoming?
  • How does the Lord use their circumstance to grow their faith?
  • In what circumstance is the Lord growing your faith right now? Are there ways that you are dragging your feet and resisting His faith lesson?