Saturday (11/9/19)

Read Colossians 2:1-23 (we will read this chapter two days in a row to give us a chance to soak in what Paul is trying to teach here)

KNOW (what does the text say about God?)
BE (What does the text say about us?)
DO (what is the text calling me to do?)

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage.




What pops out for you to pray and meditate on today?

Friday (11/8/19)

Read Colossians 1:24-29

  • What do you think verse 24 means? (Don’t feel sheepish if you want to use a commentary – I will be! It’s just a boggler!)

Yesterday we meditated on being steadfast in the HOPE of the gospel. Today Paul tells us that “Christ in us is the hope of glory.”  This is the mystery!

  • Why do you think he frames it as a mystery- what about it appears mysterious?
  • Who are you laboring to present perfect in Christ? Who has labored on your behalf?
  • How do you feel prompted to respond to this passage today?

Thursday (11/7/19)

Read Colossians 1:21-23

KNOW (what does the text say about God?)
BE (What does the text say about us?)
DO (what is the text calling me to do?)

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage.




Spend some time praying and asking the Holy Spirit what it looks like to  firm and not moved from the HOPE held out in the gospel.

Wednesday (11/6/19)

Read Colossians 1:15-20

Who is Jesus Christ according to these verses?

This same Jesus also said in John 15:14-15 that He calls us friends if we follow and obey Him. Spend some time just pondering being an actual friend of the person described here in Colossians.

Tuesday (11/5/19)

Read Colossians 1:3-14

  • What specific things is Paul praying for them?
  • Paul says in verse 11 that he wants us to be strengthened with all power so that…  
  • Where, right now, are you needing endurance and patience?

Spend some time giving thanks to the Father.

Additional Reading

Live a life worthy… Reflect on allowing this to be our great desire: to live a life that pleases and glorifies God.

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:12
  • Ephesians 4:1
  • Philippians 1:27
  • Colossians 1:10

Monday (11/4/19)

If you turn the next page in your Bible from Philippians, you will arrive at Colossians. We are going to spend the next two weeks in the books of Colossians and Philemon. You will notice the themes from our church’s mission statement occur a lot in these two letters: Know Jesus intimately. Be transformed by the Spirit. Do mission with God… Together

You will notice a lot of similar themes, prayers, and encouragement. Let these steep inside you and become a genuine part of your life and character.

The notes in my Bible say that these letters were probably written at the same time and carried together to the church at Colossae.

The link for the Bible Project’s summary is:

Read Colossians 1:1-2 

  • Spend some time praying for His grace and peace to be not only felt by you personally, but that others would feel it extended to them from you.

Sunday (11/3/19)

Paul ends the book of Philippians by sending greeting to those he knows and loves.

Pull out your Riverside directory and pray through some pages. Greet and pray for your brothers and sisters.

Incorporate some worship into your morning as you prepare your hearts for our corporate gathering.