Sunday (11/24/19)

Sit this morning and just “be” with Jesus. Listen to some worship songs, pray, and journal.

Remind yourself of who you are from Ephesians 1. 

Ask the Lord to show you where He wants to use you to bring Him glory.

Saturday (11/23/19)

Read Esther 9 & 10

  • What is happening in the narrative?
  • Where do you see God at work?
  • The Jews set up a time every year to remember and celebrate how the Lord took care of them. How can you help yourself remember the ways that the Lord has intervened in your life?

Friday (11/22/19)

Read Esther 7 & 8

  • What is happening in the narrative?
  • Where do you see God at work?
  • What do we learn about God’s character from all that has happened?

Thursday (11/21/19)

Read Esther 5 & 6

  • What is happening in the narrative?
  • Where do you see God at work?
  • Where do you see evidence of faith in Esther?
  • As you’ve gone through the week, where have you seen God at work around you and through you?

Wednesday (11/20/19)

Read Esther 3 & 4

  • What is happening in the narrative?
  • Where do you see God at work here?
  • In the dialogue between Esther and Mordecai at the end of Esther 4, what can you glean about each of their characters?
  • What clues do we have about their faith?

Tuesday (11/19/19)

Read Esther 2

  • What’s happening in the narrative?
  • How do you feel about what’s happening in this chapter – so different than our culture!
  • Do you see God at work anywhere?

Esther has known pain – she’s an orphan being raised by her cousin and then uprooted to the King’s palace. Pain, it seems to me, can soften us to see the Lord at work, or harden us as we get angry. 

  • How have you responded to pain in your life to this point?

Monday (11/18/19)

Keith shared yesterday about how God has prepared a good work for us to do once we are sealed into His family as a son or daughter. It’s so cool to me to think of God specifically designing me for a task that can serve Him and the Kingdom.

This week we are going to read through the book of Esther. This book is filled with specific tasks for specific people and I think we will enjoy learning together. Each day we will look at similar questions and hopefully see God moving and working throughout this story.

I know that we watch a lot of The Bible Project videos, but they do such a great job! Way better than me typing the background. So here it is! 

Read Esther 1

  • What’s happening in the narrative?
  • Where do you see God working?

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help your eyes be open to seeing God at work around you.