Sunday 04/23/23

Spend some time in worship, listening, singing, or playing to prepare yourself for our gathered worship this morning. 

Our next booklet will be at church and online going through chapters 15-21. 

Saturday 4/22

  • Read John 14  

If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper

Friday 4/21

  • Read John 15: 15-31


List all the ways that the holy Spirit is described in this section on a separate piece of paper

What ‘job’ of the Holy Spirit speaks most to your heart right now? 

In what area of life do you need His peace to be left with you?

Thursday 4/20

  • Read John 14: 15-31 

What is the way that we demonstrate our love for Jesus? 

What are all the ways that obedience is talked about in this passage? 

Why do you think obedience is so crucial? 

Are there areas where you are not obedient? 

Wednesday 4/19

  • Read John 14: 5-14 

What does it mean that Jesus is ‘the way’?  

 ‘the truth’? 

 ‘the life’? 

How have these names been true in your own life? 

When you think of your prayers, how do you feel about the promise in verses 13-14? 

Tuesday 4/18

  • Read John 14: 1-4 

What kinds of things trouble you today? What’s keeping you up at night? 

Jesus tells the disciples to trust in God, but to also trust in Him. They knew Him. They could see Him. He was the link between them and the Father. 

Who, in your own life, has been the ‘visible’ person encourage you to trust an unseen Father God? 

What are some of your dreams for the kind of place that Jesus is preparing for us? 

Monday 4/17

  • Read John 14 

What do we learn about who God or Jesus is from this chapter?

What do we learn about us as people from this chapter?