Sunday 3/19

In the chapter this week, we saw people right in front of Jesus missing seeing who he truly was. 

Spend some time reflecting on your week and remembering how you saw Jesus at work in and around you:

Saturday 3/18

  • Read John 9 


If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper or in a journal.

What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Friday 3/17

  • Read John 9: 35-41 

What do you think Jesus means in verse 41? 

How does your belief lead you to worship? 

Spend some time right now in worship, prayer, or song to your Savior. 

Friday 3/17

  • Read John 9: 35-41 

What do you think Jesus means in verse 41? 

How does your belief lead you to worship? 

Spend some time right now in worship, prayer, or song to your Savior. 

Thursday 3/16

  • Read John 9: 13-34 

We are considering the same passage from the vantage point of a Pharisee. Imagine you are one of these learned men wanting to defend your traditions and values. 

Why are they so angry about this healing on the Sabbath? 

What does your practice of Sabbath look like? 

How have you seen someone sticking to the letter of the Law but missing actually loving the person next to them? 

Wednesday 3/15


  • Read John 9: 13-34 


Why do you think Jesus is willing to heal on the Sabbath? Think back to our Sunday mornings talking about the Law. 

This man simply states and restates what Jesus had done. How can this help you as you think about sharing with those around you how Jesus has worked in your own life? 

Who are the people around you that need to hear the Good News about Jesus? List them out on a separate piece of paper and pray for them right now.

Tuesday 3/14

  • Read John 9: 1-12 

Has anything in your life or the life of someone close to you made you wonder if it was a result of sin? How can you relate to the disciples’ questions? 

How have you seen Jesus heal you—physically, emotionally, or other? 

Why do you think this man has such an understated response?