Monday 3/27


  • Read John 11 

What are some questions that you have after reading this chapter? 

What are some of the snapshots of Jesus that you appreciate and why? 

Sunday 3/26

Spend some time this morning relaxing with the Father. Write out some of the characteristics of God that you can exalt in prayer today.

Saturday 3/25

  • Read John  10 

If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper or in a journal.

What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Friday 3/24

Jesus has, in these first 10 chapters of John, given Himself four ‘names’ to give us a fuller understanding of Himself.  

On a separate piece of paper, write out how this description adds fullness and color to who Jesus is. 

John 6: 35 I am the Bread of Life 

John 8:12, John 9:5 I am the Light of the World 

John 10:7 I am the Gate 

John 10:11,14 I am the Good Shepherd 

Thursday 3/23

  • Read John 10: 22-42 

What is Jesus saying in verses 27-28? 

When have you feared being snatched out of his hand?  

Why is Jesus’ claim to be one with God the Father so important? 

Wednesday 3/22


  • Read John 10: 11-21 

What are some ways that you see Jesus as a Good Shepherd? 

How does Jesus describe Himself in these verses? 

Where do you need to be shepherded right now? 

On a separate piece of paper, write out a prayer to Jesus

Monday 3/20

  • Read John 10 

What do we learn about who God or Jesus is from this chapter?

What do we learn about us as people from this chapter?