Monday 3/6

Though we just finished up reading the first 7 chapters of John, we are going to take a minute to review through the lens of the Bible Project creators.

Watch this short video and write out your observations:

  • What do you remember well from the first 7 chapters?  
  • What were the main points you took home? 

Sunday 3/5/23

Spend some time in worship, listening, singing, or playing to prepare yourself for our gathered worship this morning.

Our next booklet will be at church and online going through chapters 8-14

Saturday 3/4/23

Take some time this morning to open up the Holy Bible app and have it read these chapters, 1-7 aloud to you.

A couple times if you have margin.

  • What are the snapshots of Jesus that you take away from these chapters?
  • What are some of the words that you would use to describe Jesus from these snapshots?

Friday 3/3/23

  • Read John 7

If you had to condense this chapter to one sentence, write out that sentence on a separate piece of paper or a journal

What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Thursday 3/2/23

  • Read John 7: 37-53

Traditionally, on the last day of this Festival, water, large amounts, would be poured down the temple stairs.

So Jesus calling Himself the Living Water—or that believing in Him would bring living water to us?

  • How do you feel the impact of the living water in your own life?
  • Where, in your life, are you thirsty for more of this water?
  • The leaders are confused about how to label Jesus. If you had to use some labels for your experience with Jesus in your own life, what would they be?

Wednesday 3/1/23

  • Read John 7: 25-36

There is such sadness for me in these verses, especially as I read how Jesus ‘cried out.’

What do you think are some of His feelings in this chapter?

What do you learn about God’s intents and ways from this passage?

Tuesday 2/28/23

  • Read John 7: 14-24

Why do you think Jesus eventually goes to the Feast and also to the Tabernacle to teach?

In the end of this passage, how is Jesus ‘judging correctly’ and the leaders are not?

The Jews are riled up because Jesus healed on the Sabbath. During our Exodus series, one of the practices was Sabbath. What does your rhythm of Sabbath look like?

How does your Sabbath draw you closer to God?