Wednesday 10/26/22

  • Read Hebrews 10: 8-18

In verse 10 we are “made holy”

In verse 14 we are “being made holy”

  • Which part is already done and which part is a continual work?
  • This continual work, called sanctification, is worked out by the Holy Spirit in our lives.
  • Ask the Spirit to show you how He is at work today making you holy.

Tuesday 10/25/22

  • Read Hebrews 10: 8-14

Several times, we’ve compared Christ’s sacrifice with the earthly priests. How is the compared/ contrasted in these verses:

  • What is an explanation of the significance in Christ’s seated position?
  • God the Father was the one who willed for Christ to come and sacrifice, Christ was obedient to that will. (v9)
  • Spend some time just pondering that the Father who required a blood sacrifice to cleanse us for relationship with Himself, provided the most costly sacrifice that He could in order

Monday 10/24/22

  • Read Hebrews 10:1-10

How is the law a shadow of good things coming? Think back through the ten commandments from this summer and other laws that we’ve worked through together.

How is what Christ offered different than this original sacrificial system?

The definition of holy means: set apart, separate, sacred. That is how God sees us once Christ has paid the penalty for our sins?

On a separate piece of paper, write out a prayer of thanks for being “made holy”.

Sunday 10/23/22

As we anticipate being together for worship, spend some time preparing your heart to sit with your spiritual family.

Reflect back on the week’s devotions and bring before the Lord anything that you feel has usurped His rightful place in your heart.

Ask Him to speak as you are listening.

Saturday 10/22/2022

  • Read Hebrews 9

This chapter is packed! Reread through a couple times and write out what strikes you on a separate piece of paper.

Friday 10/21/22

  • Read Hebrews

On a separate piece of paper, write out the difference between Christ’s sacrifice and the sacrifices done by the earthly priests.

  • What do you think it means that we are destined to die once and then face judgement?
  • How do you feel about Christ appearing before God on your behalf. Saying your name, speaking specifically about you? What thoughts and feelings does this bring up?