Saturday 8/6

  • Read Matthew 5:1-7:29

Listen to the entire Sermon on the Mount a couple of times. Ask the Holy Spirit to sharpen your hearing to really take in what Jesus is saying.

  • What ways of living are sharply contrasted with the world around you?

My prayer is that you are one who is blessed by God, that you are one who is receiving the kingdom of God, that you stay on the narrow path that leads to life, and that you are amazed at Jesus’ words and grant Him complete authority in your life.

Friday 8/5

  • Read Matthew chapter 6:7-16

What words or phrases pop out to you as we review this passage?

From this passage, what is attractive about life in Jesus’ kingdom?

Review: Matthew 5:3-10

Thursday 8/4

  • Read Matthew chapter 5:1-12

What words or phrases pop out to you as we review this passage?

From this passage, what is attractive about life in Jesus’ kingdom?

Review: Matthew 5:3-10

Wednesday 8/3

  • Read Matthew 7:24-29

I assume that we all are hoping to build on the rock, a solid foundation. What does that take?

  • What is your process of ‘hearing Jesus’ words?’

It seems like we will not avoid the rain, the storms, and the winds. Hard times and trails will come to all of us. Perhaps they have already come into your life.

  • What are ways that you can be a better hearer of the word?
  • Jesus taught with authority. How do you show with your life that Jesus has authority over you?

Review: Matthew 5: 3-10

Tuesday 8/2

  • Read Matthew 7:21-23

Explain Jesus’ sober warning in these verses.

  • What does it take for Jesus to “know” us?
  • What fruit do you see in your own life?

  • Read 1 John 3: 19-24

How does this passage illuminate Jesus’ words further?

Review: Matthew 5:3-10

Monday 8/1

  • Read Matthew 7:15-20

So, again we ponder life in Jesus’ kingdom. How are these verses describing a person on the narrow road, going through the narrow gate, on a path that leads to life?

  • What kind of fruit is He referring to? What is it?
  • Why is Jesus concerned with false prophets? How do they harm us?

Memorization Verse: Matthew 5:3-10

Sunday 7/31

Spend this morning listening to some worship. Sing along and prepare your heart for church and fellowship with other brothers and sisters.