Monday 9/26/22

Read Hebrews 4: 1-2

Ask the Spirit to help you understand these verses.

This is a stern warning.

  • What is the author warning us about exactly? What does it look like to ‘fall short’?
  • When did you begin to ‘share the faith’ as in verses 2? When did you trust Jesus to pay the penalty for your sin instead of trying to pay it yourself?
  • The author talks to us—the body. Who around you needs encouraging today, or needs to be spurred on? How can you reach out to them?

Sunday 9/25/22

Spent some time just relaxing with the Lord.

Continue to sit with the Spirit asking about areas of hardness in our hearts.

Ask also who you could encourage today to press on in their faith?

Saturday 9/24/22

Read Hebrews 3: 14-19

  • What is the warning that you hear in these verses?
  • How do you see it applied to your own life?
  • What’s your plan to continue holding firm to the Father until the end?

Friday 9/23/22

  • Read Hebrews 3: 7-13

Where is there hardness in your heart towards God? What places is He locked out of? What thought patterns are you holding onto towards others that keep your heart hard?

(Really spend some time sitting quietly and asking the Spirit to search your heart and speak to you—heed the warning of these verses).

  • Who in your life speaks life into you and helps your heart stay soft? Do you have these people?

If you are not attached to a Home Group, please pray about reaching out to Andrew to get plugged in somewhere—this weekly time build relationships and then builds depth so that we can encourage one another daily.

Thursday 9/22/22

  • Read Hebrews 3: 1-6

Remember to ask the Spirit to guide your thoughts.

Jesus is found to be greater than the angels, and greater than even Moses.

The author calls us “holy brothers and sisters” and encourages us to “fix our thoughts on Jesus”.

  • In your own life right now, how are you pursuing holiness or being set apart to know God?
  • What practices do you have that keep your thoughts fixed on Jesus?
  • In your daily rhythms, what could you put into place that would facilitate Jesus being more in your thoughts during the day?

Wednesday 9/21/22

  • Read Hebrews 2: 14-18

When it says “made like His brothers in every way”—what do you think of? What is surprising about ‘every way’?

How have you seen Jesus to be merciful to you?

How about faithful?

Spend some time in prayer (another practice) expressing thankfulness to Jesus for all that He went through being made completely human and completely subject to painful temptation.

Tuesday 9/20/22

  • Read Hebrews 2: 5-13

Seek the Spirit’s leading as you read.

A friend shared with me the other day that she was looking at satellite pictures of earth from out in the universe. Realizing how small the earth, and us, are in comparison to all of creation.

  • How do you see in your own life that God cares for you individually and uniquely?
  • Spend some time reflecting on verse 11 (the practice of meditation on scripture). What do you think the author is saying?
  • Jesus says that He is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters. Are there ways that you’ve been ashamed to name Him as yours?