Hi, my name is Val Hernley and I am part of the Farmington Square Home
Group. I’m a grad student in aerospace engineering at Notre Dame. I
love to cook and believe food has a special way of bringing people
together. (I can’t wait until we can share meals in community again!).
- Today we read about a special meal Jesus had with his disciples – the Last Supper. It’s found in Matthew 26:17-30. Take a moment to read and reflect on the scripture.
It’s interesting to me that Jesus didn’t beat around the bush, but rather
brings up the hard conversation that one of his closest friends is going
to betray him. If I were Jesus, I would have been tempted to just avoid
the hard stuff and enjoy my final meal with the disciples.
- Are there hard things in your life that you are avoiding rather than approaching them with grace and truth as Jesus did? Where might God be calling you to have a hard conversation or take action?
Directly after this conversation of betrayal, Jesus gives his disciples a
tangible reminder of his outrageous grace. By breaking the bread (which
is his body) and pouring the wine (which is his blood poured out for our
sins), he prophesies of his death and the atoning power of his blood.
Note that even Judas partakes of the meal – God’s grace is extended to
everyone, even the worst of sinners. Sadly, Judas chose not to receive
this amazing gift. Just as we have been forgiven, God also calls us to
extend forgiveness to those around us (see Ephesians 4:32).
- In what ways are you withholding grace/forgiveness from others? Or are there areas of your own life where you need to receive more of God’s grace?
Take a moment to rest in the amazing grace of God and praise him that
Jesus’s blood covers all our sins!