Good morning Sunday! Our predictable time to spend relaxing with theFather. We again remember that the shared rhythms of Advent, Christmas,Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost root us in the redeeming storyof Christ, and live into the Biblical wisdom of the teacher that “thereis a time for everything” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Built into these annualrhythms are the wide spectrum of our life …
SATURDAY (2/27/21)
Hi, my name is Malia Marshall. I am a member of the Near NorthwestHome Group through Riverside! I am a senior at the University of NotreDame, and I am originally from Portland, Oregon. I have been attendingRiverside since my freshman year at Notre Dame, and I am also a YoungLife leader at Jefferson Intermediate in South Bend. Take a moment …
FRIDAY (2/26/21)
Hello! I am Sarah Enck, and I am a member of the Near Northwest HomeGroup. I am a mom to twin boys, wife to Ryan for nine years, and aSchool Counselor at Saint Joe High School. I am passionate about storyand the most fulfilling thing is to sit with someone while they share theirstory with me. Today we continue to …
THURSDAY (2/25/21)
“Hallo”, my name is Lea Barthuly and we have been going to Riversidesince moving to South Bend over 3 years ago. I grew up in Germany andhave worked/lived all over the place, from Texas to China to Florida.Now, my husband Josh and I live in the Near-Northwest-Neighborhood.We love going to our NNN home group and connecting with internationalstudents on Notre …
WEDNESDAY (2/24/21)
Hey there! I’m Nicole Forgette. I’m originally from Minnesota but havelived in South Bend for the past three years. I love adventure, especiallythe infinite adventure in knowing God through Christ in His Word. I servein the ministry of Revive Our Hearts in the Spanish division and am partof the wonderful Near Northwest Home Group through Riverside. Let’s read Matthew 6:1-18. …
TUESDAY (2/23/21)
Hello, I’m Janelle Phillips and I participate in the Near Northwest HomeGroup. I’m married to David and my two boys Jonah (6) and Theodore(3) help keep me busy and curious about the world. I also teach at a localnature-based Montessori preschool where I love exploring the wondersof God’s creation with little people. I’ve been even more thankful thanusual for outdoor …
MONDAY (2/22/21)
This is from David Phillips. I am from Plymouth originally and work atNotre Dame. If you know me at church, it is probably as the tall guychasing after two little boys. I am in the home group that meets at theEncks’ house near Keller Park (Near Northwest) during normal times.Our home group has spent most of the last year studying …