I’m Valerie Friedline, and I’m part of the Farmington Square Home
- Please read Matthew 26:36-56.
As I read these words recounting the interactions of Jesus with his
disciples and with those betraying him, one thought came to mind: of
all the people present, it seemed there was only one who understood
what was happening. Tell me if I am wrong:
Who knew what it would take for the Kingdom of God to break into
humanity for all eternity?
From the breaking of the bread to agonized prayers beneath the olive
trees of Gethsemane, who knew what it would cost?
Who knew that his friends were not supporting him as he wept and
wrestled with his will and his mission?
Who knew who was betraying him and why?
Who knew how events must fall into place to fulfill the prophesies of
Scripture, stopping the sword at the first injury?
Who knew his disciples would be the first to flee?
Who knew where he was going?
For Reflection:
- Is there anything that Jesus has not endured for me?
- What am I holding back from him, or forgetting to bring to his feet?
- If God could bring such life and light out of the deep betrayals Jesus faced, what could come to life in me and others if I surrendered all the betrayals I have suffered to him?