Saturday 4/2/22

Read Ephesians 3: 14-21

In the first two chapters of Ephesians, Paul has been teaching them about their new identity in Christ. The Ephesians were non-Jewish believers that learned of the saving grace offered to all of us through the death of Jesus. Coming out of a society of idol worship, there was much they needed to learn about the one true God.

Paul reveals his total reliance on God as he “bows his knee in prayer before the Father” as he prays for the Ephesians. He explains his deep desire that all of them will understand the mystery of becoming part of the family of God and the limitless power that is available to them from the Holy Spirit. Paul is encouraging them to fully comprehend the depth of God’s love so they will experience the fullness of God in their lives. Ephesus was a city of great wealth; Paul is imploring them to seek spiritual wealth that is far greater than the physical riches of Ephesus.

Paul’s encouragement is still applicable to our lives today.

How often have you withdrawn because of fear or a feeling of helplessness?

How often do you settle for less than what God would provide?

It is so easy to settle for second best rather than bowing our knee to the Father. All of our lives have been upended to some degree these past couple years. I encourage you to bow your knee to rediscover and embrace the depth of God’s love. Paul’s words in verses 20-21 are for us today as much as it was for the Ephesians centuries ago.

(Wade Stoller, Westside Home Group)