Read Ephesians 2:11-22
One of the names we call Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6). Christ is, in fact, our peace. He made peace with God possible by becoming our atoning sacrifice, i.e. by dying on the cross. However, another peace was also established, in bringing Jews and Gentiles together, as one. Who once were devout enemies, are now one in/through Christ. We are united together in God’s New Creation, the Church. The church is distinctly Christ’s own, His bride. We are His people!
Look at some of the ways we are uniquely and distinctly His:
- The Holy Spirit in our Hearts – II Cor. 1:22
- Our adoption as sons & daughters – Eph. 1:4-6
- Christ’s Unending Love & Intercession on our behalf– Romans 8:34-39
- Holy Spirit’s Power in us– Eph. 3:20-21
- Contentment – Heb 13:5
- Holy Spirit Intercession – Romans 8:26
- A place reserved in Heaven – John 14:2-3
- Immortal Bodies – I Cor. 15:51-53
Spend some time praising God for how He loves us & makes us His own.
(Phil Lubensky, Westside Home Group)