Monday 1/24/22

As per our normal flow, we will begin by listening to our friends at The Bible Project share about the first part of the book of Exodus:

  • Does anything pop out to you as interesting or confusing?
  • Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to hear His truth in the coming weeks as we journey into Exodus.

Sunday 1/23/22

This morning as you pray and prepare you heart to gather together for worship, watch the video from our friends at the Bible Project as they explain the book of Genesis.

Chapters 1-11:

Chapters 12-50:

Saturday 1/22/22

Read or listen to Genesis 49: 29-50

The story resolves itself with the whole family moving to Egypt. They receive the good land and the blessing of Pharaoh to live and prosper there. Jacob is reunited with his father and has his sons blessed by him (albeit not as he would have imagined). And Jacob gives blessing to all the sons before his death.

  • Again- how would you describe Joseph’s character in this section?
  • How do you see God’s character being revealed? How would you describe Him?
  • In verse 20, Jacob explains how God was working through all the circumstances for His ultimate good.
  • In what situation in your own life do you need to hear this?

Friday 1/21/22

Read or listen to Genesis 42-45

Today we get a long chunk of story! Hopefully it is interesting and has enough plot twists to keep you reading!

  • How would you describe God’s character as shown in these chapters?
  • What about the others in the story- Joseph and his brothers, how do you see their characters growing and being changed?
  • What about this long story through Genesis has given you encouragement?

Thursday 1/20/22

Read or listen to Genesis 39-41

Meanwhile… while the brothers are lying to their father about Joseph’s death, Joseph faces a variety of situations.

  • What do you see growing in Joseph’s character in these situations?
  • Do you see God at work here? How would you describe Him in this story?
  • How do you think Joseph’s character gets molded in such good ways during such unjust treatment (chapters 39-40)?
  • How has your character been molded in the painful times of your own life?
  • What character is God forming in your right now?

Sunday 1/23/22

This morning as you pray and prepare you heart to gather together for worship, watch the video from our friends at the Bible Project as they explain the book of Genesis.

Chapters 1-11:

Chapters 12-50:

Wednesday 1/19/22

Read or listen to Genesis 37

If only we could read every chapter (oh wait- you can if you want to!). Prior to today’s reading, we see Jacob/ Israel reconcile with Esau, and yet still not be quite honest with him. Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, gets raped and her brothers exact revenge. God repeats His promise to Jacob in chapter 35. Rachel and Isaac both die, and we see that Esau is indeed blessed and head of a long line of people.

Jacob has 12 sons, and the siblings have a bit of trouble with Joseph.

  • How do you see generational sin (sin patterns passed down from generation to generation) reaped in this tragic story?
  • What sort of character do see in the brothers?
  • In Joseph?
  • In Jacob?

I love that verse 36 starts with the word “meanwhile”. It reminds me (again) that God is often working behind the scene in ways that I cannot discern.

Keep talking to God about the storylines in your own life that are confusing to you.